Tuesday, November 19

is God telling me to ruin MY life?

I'm going to do it again: that thing where I link to another post because someone else said what I have said or have wanted to say. Only (naturally) they said it better, and more concisely. Because let's face it, I don't do concise.

Go ahead, ruin your life. I dare you.

... this post is everything I have been saying, to myself, to my husband, to my sister and brothers, to my friends.

You can't lose. You can't! There aren't "right decisions" in the freedom of the Gospel. We still commit sin, that's not what I mean--but if you think about it, nothing we do is untainted by our sinful human nature. Everything is affected by our self-serving attitudes. But when it comes to life decisions? When it comes to choosing a path, a career, a spouse... we spend so much time worrying about what is Right that we often end up not making decisions at all.

It's like Allison says:  "if I’m living in honest pursuit of Truth, I believe I’ll find it."

I'm ridiculously worked up right now, for two reasons. First, because someone else thinks how I think, and is passionate about the steadfast presence of God. Because my friends have heard me say it enough that they really just need to hear it from someone else too.

But also? Because I feel like she is talking to me. Because right now I'm feeling inspired to Write (oh, to BE a Writer), to find a way to pursue teaching English between now and whenever-I-get-into-grad-school, and to stop barista-ing in order to pursue it.

I mean, let's face it. That's what I want to hear. And there's a fine line between taking a leap of faith for a specific purpose, and doing something irresponsible because I want to. And there's two of us, and I have to consider how my theories and philosophies and passionate ideals will change our life.

But damn. Right now, I'm ready to jump.


  1. Just to be that person - When I felt like something was pushing me to quit school, to fall into the winds and see what would happen, it was Bi-polar disorder telling me that, and it was stupid.
    That Said - I'm alive and happy, and i'll graduate in 3 weeks anyway. Take that, bi-polar. Sick burn. Also, I met my husband and have a full-time job and stuff, because of that one weird decision. So, that thing about there being no wrong decisions is pretty spot-on. No matter what stupid things I've done with my life, or how I've tried to turn my back on him, God keeps grabbing me, dusting me off, and putting me back up on the jungle gym. So that's cool, you know.

  2. Have you ever read "Just Do Something" by Kevin DeYoung? I think you'd like it. :)
